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- A Beginner's Guide to Working with Astronomical Data
by Markus Pössel, arXiv, 2019, 71 pages
- A Primer for Black Hole Quantum Physics
by R. Brout, S. Massar, R. Parentani, P. Spindel; arXiv; 2007; 178 pages
- An Introduction to Cosmic Rays and Gamma-Ray Bursts
by A. De Rujula, arXiv, 2007, 37 pages
- An Introduction to Galactic Chemical Evolution
by Nikos Prantzos, arXiv, 2007, 46 pages
- An Introduction to the Theory of Rotating Relativistic Stars
by Eric Gourgoulhon; arXiv; 2010; 88 pages
- Astrophysics in 2005
by V. Trimble, M. J. Aschwanden, C. J. Hansen, 2006, 364 pages, 1.5 MB, PDF
- Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies
by Halton C. Arp, 1966, 190 pages, 16 MB, PDF
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Physics Beyond the Standard Model
by Subir Sarkar, arXiv, 1996, 156 pages
- Black Holes
by P.K. Townsend, 1997, 145 pages, PDF/PS
- Black Holes in Supergravity and String Theory
by Thomas Mohaupt, 2000, 64 pages, PDF/PS
- BPS Black Holes in Supergravity
by Riccardo D’Auria, Pietro Fre’, 2009, 1 MB, PDF
- Classical and Quantum Theory of Perturbations in Inflationary Universe Models
by R. Brandenberger, H. Feldman, V. Mukhanov, July 1993, PDF, 177 KB
- Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos: Eleven Science Questions for the New Century
Committee on the Physics of the Universe, 2003, read online for free
- Cosmic Rays and the Search for a Lorentz Invariance Violation
by Wolfgang Bietenholz, 2008, 81 pages, PS/PDF
- Dense Matter in Compact Stars
by Andreas Schmitt, 2010, 146 pages, PS/PDF
- Elements of Astrophysics
by Nick Kaiser, April 2002, 435 pages, 5 MB, PDF
- Fermi's Paradox – The Last Challenge for Copernicanism?
by Milan M. Cirkovic, 2009, 39 pages, PDF/PS
- First Light
by Abraham Loeb, arXiv, 2006, 157 pages
- Galaxy systems in the optical and infrared
by A. Biviano, 2008, 60 pages
- Gamma-Ray Bursts: Progress, Problems and Prospects
by Bing Zhang and Peter Meszaros, arXiv, 2008, 87 pages
- Gravitational Wave Experiments and Early Universe Cosmology
by Michele Maggiore, arXiv, 2000, 100 pages
- Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
by Martin V. Zombeck, 2006, 780 pages
- High Energy Astrophysics
by Jonathan Katz, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, 1986, 338 pages, 1.7 MB, PDF
- Images of the Solar Upper Atmosphere From SUMER on SOHO
by Uri Feldman et al.; ESA Publications Division; 2003; 209 pages
- Introduction to Cosmology
by David H Lyth; arXiv; 1993; 53 pages; PDF/PS
- Introduction to Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Astronomy
by T. L. Wilson, 2009, 106 pages, 1.5 MB, PDF
- Introduction to Non-Baryonic Dark Matter
by Paolo Gondolo, arXiv, 2004, 51 pages
- Introduction to relativistic astrophysics and cosmology through Maple
by V. L. Kalashnikov, 2001, 124 pages, 700 KB, PDF
- Introduction to Supersymmetry: Astrophysical and Phenomenological Constraints
by Keith A. Olive, arXiv, 1999, 67 pages
- Introduction to the Theory of Black Holes
by Gerard ‘t Hooft, 2009, 49 pages, 510 KB, direct link to PDF
- Lecture notes on the formation and early evolution of planetary systems
by Philip J. Armitage, arXiv, 2009, 57 pages, PS/PDF
- Lectures on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology
by Luis A. Anchordoqui, 2007, 41 pages, 930 KB, PDF
- Lectures On Black Hole Evaporation and Information Loss
by Thomas Banks, 1994, 65 pages, PDF/PS
- Les Houches Lectures on Black Holes
by Andy Strominger, 1995, 70 pages, PDF/PS
- Lopsided Spiral Galaxies
by Chanda J. Jog, Francoise Combes, 2008, 75 pages, PDF/PS
- Massive Stars and their Supernovae
by F. Thielemann, R. Hirschi, M. Liebendorfer, R. Diehl; arXiv; 2010; 79 pages; PDF
- Observations of the High Redshift Universe
by Richard S. Ellis; arXiv; 2007; 115 pages
- Planetary Photometry
by Max Fairbairn, 2005, multiple PDFs, 198.8 KB
- Stellar Atmospheres
by J. B. Tatum, 2011, multiple PDFs, 2.8 MB
- String Cosmology
by James M. Cline, arXiv, 2007, 47 pages
- Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II
edited by Taylor, Carilli and Perley, 729 pages, 43 MB, PDF
- TASI Lectures: Introduction to Cosmology
by Mark Trodden and Sean M. Carroll, arXiv, 2004, 82 pages
- Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Inflation
by Michael S. Turner, 1997, PDF, 884 KB
- The Birth and Death of Stars
by James Schombert, 2008
- The Birth And Death Of The Sun
by George Gamow, 1940, 256 pages, 16 MB, PDF
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Sun
by Jay M. Pasachoff; Alpha; 2003; 350 pages
- The Formation of Planets
by Steven P. Ruden, 1999, 37 pages, PDF/PS
- The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics
by George W. Collins II, 2003, 494 pages, PDF
- The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: SETI
edited by Philip Morrison, 1977, NASA SP-419
- The Solar Magnetic Field
by Sami Solanki, Bernd Inhester, Manfred Schussler; arXiv; 2010; 83 pages; PDF
- The Star Splitters: The High Energy Astronomy Observatories
by Wallace H. Tucker, 1984, NASA SP-466
- The Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics
by George W. Collins, 1978, PDF
- The world according to the Hubble Space Telescope
by Mario Livio, 2008, 112 pages, 800 KB, PDF
- Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution
by V. Avila-Reese, arXiv, 2006, 50 pages
- Why CMB physics?
by Massimo Giovannini; arXiv; 2007; 179 pages
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